Make the challenge of supporting your students much easier with our unique digital action plan and help meet the Gatsby Benchmark for your careers programme.
Gatsby Bench Mark 3 - Addressing the needs of each Pupil
Digital Action Plan |
Tailored for YouWe can create an action plan that is tailored towards your school. We can include your logo, school colours, subjects presently studying, future options that are available to them post 16 and any other particular information you would like to receive.
Submissions to YouAll submissions from the plan go direct to an email of your choosing. Each appears as a simple pdf document. We also can create a spreadsheet showing all the submissions received from your students in one easy layout. Our newest feature allows you to send responses to those submissions back to your students as a pdf and also allows you a pdf version to keep as a copy s you have an audit trail for your feedback.
Integrate to Box, Google Sheets or Drop BoxWe can integrate the submissions so you can receive them directly to box folder, drop box or other file sharing device. This means any pdf files can be immediately located to a folder for you to browse or transfer them to the students record file.
Live SubmissionSee visually the data your received through our online reports. we can create spreadsheets to show action plan completed that allow staff to view student plans. More
PriceOur action plan can be added to your school vle for £80. You can buy direct from our store or have us invoice you. Why not explore combining the action plan with our ebook magazine? Contact us for further details.
Sample Plans