For groupsParents Evenings
Yr 9 and Yr 11 option evenings Vocational Activities Career and Employability Activities |
for Guidance
A level Choice Selection - I can't decide between taking Art or Modern languages?
Degree Course options - I am considering taking History at degree. Where might that lead to? Vocational Course options - what careers would taking a course in beauty therapy lead to? Careers Exploration - our career charts help students to explore their interests and can direct help direct their enquiry. |
The Gatsby Benchmark sets out good practice in schools in achieving a coherent strategy for careers guidance in schools. The report was published by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and written by Sir John Holman. We've listed the 8 key benchmarks and how our business can support a school in meeting these criteria.
Our resources and services to schools can support 6 of the 8 benchmarks for schools. Our career charts provide accurate and up to date information on career sectors and link to curriculum areas. Our digital resource lists the career sites of over 400 businesses. Our services to schools include career fairs where both employers, FE and HE staff have been present. Our publication is in the hands of over 600 advisors and regular supports guidance activities in lessons and intervews.