Heritage Consultant
Job Description
Heritage consultants bring expertise to museums, prehistoric monuments and other historic properties. The work can be varied from helping projects develop tourism strategies, archive design and planning, project management, interpretation and access planning, visitor research and analysis or assistance with funding applications. Heritage consultants can work freelance offering their particular expertise or can be employed within a larger consultancy. Large consultancies may have a team of professionals with backgrounds in tourism, archaeology, museum, conservation, historic buildings or architecture. More Information http://www.atkinsglobal.co.uk/sectors-and-services/services/heritage-consultancy large company with heritage team http://www.purcelluk.com/who-we-are#/our-people/heritage-consultants profiles of heritage consultants http://ihbconline.co.uk/jobsetc/ jobs in building conservation http://www.heritageconsultant.org.uk/ individual consultant |
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