So you have a video interview scheduled? Are you ready? Don't underestimate the challenge of preparing for this type of encounter with a future employer. Make the mistake of not having all the tech sorted and you could go down in flames. The reality is that employers now are more likely to screen candidates (up 40%) from 6% four years ago. Here are our 10 tips to win at video interviews. 1. Use a Sensible User Name Sounds obvious but choose well. It need to be professional. Get it wrong and you've not made a good impression and at worse might even be dismissed as a serious candidate. 2. Set Up Your Location Private room with good internet connectivity. Not a coffee shop! Make sure the behind the cam view is suitable. Nice poster, planter will do, Think about the image you want to convey. Want to get into marketing? Arrange to have some books on the subject on display behind you. People will take in your surroundings without you knowing, 3. Get Eye Contact Try and look at the camera not the screen. Reduce the interview window and do your best to move it as close to the camera as possible. Otherwise the interviews thinks you are not looking at them directly. 4. Light from the front Use a desk lamp or be in front of a window. Make sure your are not in the dark. Getting good light on your face and checking the colour is a natural as possible will help the process. 5. Webcam Placement Have the Webcam just below your eye level. If necessary raise up the laptop. No one wants to be looking up your nostrils! 6. Remove Interruptions Turn off phone, any notifications you have on your device. Notify friends, family or those you share with of your need to be not disturbed. 7. Practice the Tech Make a call with someone to check sound, lighting, see if it all looks good 8. Have your Documents Ready Have your CV, job description, notes you made on the company as you've done research on them (of course) of the job and notepad to hand for any things you want to clarify. 9. Dress Formally It's an interview so dress the part, at least your top half which is on view 10. Use a Headset If you want to hear better and be heard use a headset as this will cut out ambient noise, cars, dogs barking, cell phones ringing. TipsEmployers use video interviews as a part of their screening process. So if you've got one, well done your at least on their page. Recruiters will use this also as part of their initial screening. Check whether you are talking with someone or this is a pre-recorded video. - a means to gather information about you without directly having to employ someone to do it.
Russ BannerI have 10 years experience of working in careers guidance and am director of CGC. We publish career infographics for schools and colleges Archives
November 2022
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